• Our Shared Ocean
  • Our Shared Ocean

Building partnerships With Small Island Developing States

Our Shared Ocean is a multi-annual funding programme, and part of Ireland’s response to the environmental and economic challenges facing many SIDS.

It reflects our national commitment to establishing and growing closer ties with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as described in A Better World, Ireland’s policy for international development while also helping to deliver the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Shared Ocean will provide funding through annual competitive calls for projects within our three main themes; Oceans & Climate, Inclusive and Sustainable Blue Economy & Marine Policy and Ocean Governance.

SIDS already play a crucial role in relation to global ocean governance with capacity to develop innovative responses to these challenges. We hope to amplify that capacity by listening to solutions and providing help where needed.


Our focus

Oceans & Climate Action
Inclusive and Sustainable Blue Economy
Marine Policy & Ocean Governance

Our Aims

Support capacity building through partnerships focused on oceans and climate action, inclusive and sustainable blue economic development, marine and ocean governance.


Cultivate research partnerships between Irish institutions and their SIDS counterparts, providing research and technical support and underpin long-term cooperation.


Build Irish capacity and knowledge in sustainable ocean management in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals as set out in A Better World.

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

Endorsed by Ocean Decade

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Programme Owners

Irish Aid

Irish Aid

Our Shared Ocean is funded by Irish Aid

Marine Institute of Ireland

Marine Institute of Ireland

Our Shared Ocean is administered and managed by the Marine Institute



